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What is the reason why stereo garage is becoming more and more popular?

The reason why stereo garages are becoming more and more popular is that:
1. The application of IC card in three-dimensional garage does not require contact and is more convenient to operate.
2. Stereo garage system has stable structure and fast transmission speed.
3. It can accurately distinguish its own vehicles, exotic vehicles and special vehicles;
4. The unique license plate number input and display system greatly improves the anti-theft measures of parking lot.
5. To collect parking fees and other related fees in time to increase revenue; to collect long-term customer parking fees in advance. To prevent chargers from engaging in illegal acts and charging fees; to prevent the occurrence of refusal to pay fees in parks;
6. The system can realize manual control and computer automatic control.
7. The brake device can ensure that the brake rod does not fall below the brake rod, whether it is near the vehicle or reversing the vehicle.

8. Fee standards can be loaded at any time, can be loaded at any time, breaking the same kind of product fee standard format and on-site fee operation. So the security performance of three-dimensional garage is very high.